Mass Slaughter Against Religious Minorities Remains Endemic Worldwide

On the 10th anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide, organizations are looking for solutions that will end the scourge of genocide—often directed against religious minorities—and protect vulnerable populations. 



Big Pharma Profits While Making Sick Americans Sicker on Designer Weight Loss Drugs 

As Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen prepares to testify before the Senate on the high cost of his designer weight loss drugs, a simple question remains: How can Big Pharma justify raking in billions exploiting the obesity epidemic while harming Americans?


Neighborhood Bigots Object to New Latter-day Saints Temple in Las Vegas—While Playing Slot Machines at Bars

As The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prepares to build their first new temple in the state in 35 years, a low buzz of bigotry surrounds the protestors trying to stop them… again.



The Misery of Sex Trafficking in Cambodia—“Finding Home” Documentary Sheds Light on Painful Reality

Western activists play a pivotal role in rescuing and rehabilitating women and girls from the thriving sex trafficking industry in Cambodia.


Backpage Sex Trafficking Co-Founder Michael Lacey Sentenced to Prison

After years of legal battles over Backpage’s role in prostitution and exploitation of minors, a federal judge sentenced co-owners Michael Lacey, Scott Spear and John Brunst to prison.


Massive Florida Human Trafficking Bust Arrests 148, Rescues Victims

Demand to purchase sex in Hillsborough County, Florida, was so great that law enforcement needed an extra hotel room to carry out their sting operation.



New Boston Study Reveals ADHD Drugs Can Cause Psychosis. We Already Knew That.

While ADHD prescriptions have shot up 30 percent for adults ages 20 to 39, it’s just been demonstrated that amphetamine use increases the risk of psychosis by up to five times.


Harold Sackeim’s Conflicts of Interest at the Heart of Dangerous Industry of Electroshock

A web of connections between Sackeim, manufacturers and a government official creates a profit center out of the human misery of electroshock.


With Its Streamlined New Baker Act, Florida Embraces the Human Rights Abuse the Rest of the World Condemns

Florida’s House Bill 7021 emboldens institutional psychiatry’s abuse and makes it more profitable for providers.



Big Pharma Profits While Making Sick Americans Sicker on Designer Weight Loss Drugs 

As Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen prepares to testify before the Senate on the high cost of his designer weight loss drugs, a simple question remains: How can Big Pharma justify raking in billions exploiting the obesity epidemic while harming Americans?


Conflicts of Interest: The Unholy Axis of Money, the FDA’s Jeffrey Shuren and the Medical Device Industry

Regulator husband and lawyer wife formed an unholy alliance in foisting questionable medical devices on the American people.


Lying to the Victims

Marci Hamilton knew legislation she championed in New York would have disastrous ramifications for 90 percent of child sex abuse victims—and she tried in vain to spin culpability with PR.



Oregon Decriminalized—and Is Now Recriminalizing—Drug Possession. Why Aren’t They Prioritizing Prevention?

On Overdose Awareness Day, the number two state in the country in substance abuse hunted for new answers—but education didn’t seem to be one of them.


First-Ever Criminal Charges Filed Against Drug Company Executives Over Opioid Crisis

New York company to pay $20 million in penalties; two executives facing life in prison over charges of intentionally trafficking in millions of pain pills and defrauding the DEA.


Inundating Small Towns With Opioids

In a single year, from 2008 to 2009, Miami-Luken’s shipments of opioid pills to Williamson increased threefold.



Mass Slaughter Against Religious Minorities Remains Endemic Worldwide

On the 10th anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide, organizations are looking for solutions that will end the scourge of genocide—often directed against religious minorities—and protect vulnerable populations. 


Neighborhood Bigots Object to New Latter-day Saints Temple in Las Vegas—While Playing Slot Machines at Bars

As The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prepares to build their first new temple in the state in 35 years, a low buzz of bigotry surrounds the protestors trying to stop them… again.


Paul Haggis: The Bad Actor

Want to take acting lessons—from a truly bad actor? If you’re visiting Italy, or live there, now’s your chance.