Greek Drug Trafficking Network Stole Health Care IDs to Peddle Psychiatric Drugs

It’s just one more example of the psychiatric death industry using deception to line its pockets. And Greece has a long history of such corruption. 

Greek flag with bottle of psychotropic drugs and euros

An entire network of organized Hellenic crooks was dismantled by Greek police at the end of last month. The grifters were stealing health care identification numbers from immigrants to write more than a thousand phony prescriptions, including, of course, many psychotropic drugs.

It’s far from the first time drug prescribers were caught with their hands in the Greek cookie jar. Last year alone, there were numerous instances:

  • A doctor and two pharmaceutical executives were arrested in March for filing fake prescriptions and prescribing medicines from a company for kickbacks. They were charged with everything from bribery to violation of immigration laws.
  • A large conspiracy resulted in the arrest of 16 people—including public health doctors, pharmacists and others—for scamming Greece’s National Organization for Healthcare Services by writing fake prescriptions. The gangsters in question were filling prescriptions written out to foreigners who were incarcerated or who had left the country, and reselling the prescriptions obtained, collecting all the profits. Many of the drugs were narcotics or psychotropics, and over 90,000 fake prescriptions were written and filled. Eight felony charges resulted and the successful scam financially damaged the Greek government to the tune of €3.5 million.
  • A Greek doctor was arrested in September for leading a phony prescription ring, which he kept all in the family. The man wrote an astonishing 3,679 prescriptions, with 69 going to his mother, 56 to his father, 31 to his wife, 18 to his son and 12 to his daughter—and it was all for the same drug!

Greece’s mental health industry boasts a long history of such deception. A clampdown at state-funded mental health clinics in 2014, for example, revealed over $30 million worth of fraud.

Whether he wears a black hoodie or a white lab coat, a drug pusher is a drug pusher.




“Mental Health” Counselors Continue to Rip Off American Taxpayers

Twenty billion in annual fraud originates in the mental health industry. In the latest embarrassment, three Connecticut counselors were caught red-handed. 


Psychiatry Attempts to Improve Its Horrible Image by Befriending Religions—While Denigrating Faith

With 60 percent of parishioners preferring clergy for mental health support, psychiatrists are looking for ways to improve their dismal trust rating with the public. Perhaps they would be better served ending psychiatric abuse.


NIMH Scamming Taxpayers with Multibillion-Dollar Con Game That Accomplishes Nothing

NIMH operates by draining our pockets; torturing helpless animals in pointless, useless, ridiculous tests; wasting mountains of money; and doing absolutely nothing to effectively improve our country’s mental health.