New Senate Resolution Reaffirms Commitment to America’s First Freedom

A new bipartisan Senate resolution affirms religious freedom as a fundamental human right. It’s a principle built into the Creed of the Church of Scientology.

Senate Resolution 52 with Liberty Bell and US Flag

In a world ablaze with the bitter fires of religious intolerance, often to the point of murder, the US Senate now has a golden opportunity to demonstrate that the US is still the glowing land of freedom of faith.

Senators James Lankford and Chris Coons have introduced a resolution cosponsored by Thom Tillis and Tim Kaine that could affirm religious freedom as a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of US foreign policy.

If the bipartisan Senate Resolution 52 is approved, it would confirm, once and for all, that the US remains one of the few places on Earth where people need not be afraid to say which God they believe in, or if they believe in no gods at all.

“The fundamental right of every person to have a faith, live your faith, change your faith, or have no faith at all must be recognized throughout the world.”

The resolution enjoys broad support. The Congressional Working Group of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable, with over 160 congressional offices engaged, is pushing for passage of the resolution and 113 religious, and secular leaders signed a letter of support urging the resolution’s adoption.

The Church has been a champion of religious freedom since its founding.

“We of the Church believe that all men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights,” begins the Creed of the Church of Scientology, adding “That all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their performance.”

Further, as part of the Code of a Scientologist, parishioners each pledge themselves “To support the freedom of religion.”

The Church’s scripture is thus in full alignment with the Constitution and the First Amendment, which states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

“The fundamental right of every person to have a faith, live your faith, change your faith, or have no faith at all must be recognized throughout the world,” said Senator Lankford. “The United States must continue its international leadership to defend religious freedom, which is why we are reaffirming our commitment to fight for religious freedom.”

In America, we may take for granted that freedom, certain that we can visit our churches, temples, mosques or synagogues in peace and fear nothing when we stop by to pray, receive pastoral counseling or praise God. But that is certainly not the case in much of the rest of the world.

Statistic on Religious Freedom Expression

The resolution names specific countries practicing religious persecution—chillingly adding that, in 2023 alone, religious freedom violations included “the targeting of 2,228 individuals by 27 countries and entities, the imprisonment of 1,491 individuals, the ongoing imprisonment of 1,311 individuals and the death of 9 individuals while in custody.”

It also mentions that, “as of 2024, there are 96 countries with legislation criminalizing blasphemy used to enforce arbitrary limitations on religious freedom of expression.”

The resolution singles out countries where religious persecution is common—and, at times, lethal—and urges the State Department to actively promote the human right around the world.

Although it is a resolution, not a binding law with teeth, Resolution 52 does urge action rather than mere words. It states that the State Department should “leverage all diplomatic and sanctions tools available to the United States government to hold religious freedom violators accountable for their actions, including those authorized by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998” and further, that it should “continue to impose sanctions on those responsible for violations of religious freedom.”

“Whether you’re a member of a religious minority or a non-believer, far too many people around the world are unfairly targeted and even persecuted for their beliefs and practices,” said Senator Coons. “I’m proud to once again lead this bipartisan effort to highlight the importance of promoting religious freedom for our nation’s foreign policy and standing.”

Given its support from both Democrats and Republicans, the resolution, now referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stands a good chance of passage.

“Despite heightened global tensions, support for freedom of religion or belief remains strong across party lines because it is rooted in the values of human dignity and freedom,” said Kyle Cristofalo, Senior Director of Advocacy and Government Relations at Churches for Middle East Peace. “The bipartisan nature of our work is what makes it so impactful.”

Religious freedom is a very personal matter to the writer of this article. His first ancestor in this country, Peter Blaser, a former prisoner because of his religious beliefs, endured a long and difficult passage on a boat called the Snow Betsy, arriving in Philadelphia from Europe in 1739. He left because, as an ordained Mennonite preacher, he faced religious persecution and hoped to find freedom of faith in his new home.

He did, settling in Pennsylvania. My family has been proudly and firmly rooted in the land of the free and the home of the brave ever since.

Like our ancestor, we are eternally grateful to live in a land of religious freedom, where we can practice our various faiths in tolerance and peace, alongside our fellow Americans, who are doing the same.




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