Reuters OnlyFans Investigation Uncovers Porn, Rape and Slavery  

OnlyFans claims they prohibit illegal content and moderate what gets posted on their site. The evidence tells a different story.

Reuters investigation on OnlyFans

There’s a lot of sickness out there in internet land—really twisted, evil and demented stuff—and people are paying big bucks to look at it.

OnlyFans, a website based in England, has figured out a slick way to monetize everything from underaged sex to nonconsensual pornography, sexual slavery, bestiality and even forcible rape—every kind of degeneracy and perversion imaginable—and is getting filthy rich in the process.

OnlyFans provides a platform where people can post homemade DIY pornographic content teasers and then charge viewers to receive the entire video—the nastier, the more profitable.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) termed the website a “serial sexual exploiter,” stating: “Women’s lives are being destroyed by image-based sexual abuse—including rape and sexual assault—that has been posted on OnlyFans without their knowledge or consent.

“OnlyFans profits from content that is posted on its platform, which means it is profiting from the sexual abuse and exploitation of women, children and men. OnlyFans portrays itself as a glamorous and ‘safe’ way to make money quickly, but the reality is much different, as even ‘creators’ report facing a myriad of serious harms, including doxing, stalking, rape, abuse and physical threats from subscribers and traffickers/pimps.”

“Social media platforms have become a safe harbor for predators.”

NCOSE has called on the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into OnlyFans.

Meanwhile, members of Congress and British legislators have called for greater legal control over the seedy site. “It is absolutely unconscionable,” Representative Ann Wagner of Missouri, said. “Americans are being sexually exploited on OnlyFans. Congress and federal law enforcement must do more.”

“Social media platforms have become a safe harbor for predators,” said Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois. “Rape victims—including children—are not only violated at the time of their assault, but they are victimized over and over again with the rapid spread of their abuse material online. Even worse, the platforms profit from this activity. That’s unacceptable.”

OnlyFans CEO Keily Blair has insisted that “every text, every message, every audio clip, every livestream, everything gets moderated.” She also said: “We know the age and identity of everyone on our platform. No children allowed, nobody under 18 on the platform.”

Another spokesperson told Reuters, “OnlyFans is proud of the work we do to aggressively target, report and support the investigations and prosecutions of anyone who seeks to abuse our platform.”

Interesting, given that Reuters discovered complaints about “hundreds of sexually explicit videos and images of minors—from toddlers to teens” appearing on the website.

The news service also found 128 people who complained that sexual content scenes involving them were posted on OnlyFans without their permission.

One woman was allegedly raped by two men, while she kept saying no. The two men, who allegedly filmed the encounter and later sold it on OnlyFans, have now been arrested and charged. The woman has filed a lawsuit against the site. “If they were really moderating that video, they would have seen and heard that,” her attorney, Todd Falzone, said.

Do they mind that they might be breaking the law? Not really. 

Does OnlyFans care? Given that their owner, Leonid Radvinsky, is said to be worth $3.8 billion—and the website earned revenues of $1.3 billion in 2023—it’s unlikely. The site reported having three million registered “creators” and 220 million registered consumers in 2023.

That same year, Radvinsky paid himself $472 million, or $1.8 million for each of the 260 working days of the year. That’s almost 2 million bucks per day! For peddling rape, child sex, bestiality and porno! It boggles the mind.

When Radvinsky became the majority owner of OnlyFans in 2018, the site took a hard content turn into pornography. Fans realized they could make money by creating their own porno and peddling it on OnlyFans and the big money really took off.

Users (the site calls them “creators”) drop their drawers and film themselves in various types of sexual activity, and then advertise and sell the videos through OnlyFans, which keeps 20 percent of the income.

Do they mind that they might be breaking the law? Not really. For example, porn stars peddling their videos on OnlyFans are known to hire “chatters,” who message the porn stars’ “clients,” pretending to be the actual porn stars, to urge them to buy more and more videos.

According to Brian Berkey, associate professor of legal studies and business ethics at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, “If you’re telling customers that you’re giving them one thing, but instead giving them something else, then that seems like a paradigm case of a deceptive business practice.”

OnlyFans is also involved in slavery: One young Wisconsin woman was held prisoner for nearly two years and forced to perform sex acts almost every night on video—video to be sold on OnlyFans. Eventually, she escaped.

Reuters said they also found women who “had been deceived, drugged, terrorized and sexually enslaved to make money from the site.”

But OnlyFans claims it prohibits prostitution and “modern slavery,” which includes human trafficking and forced labor.

Right. They’re “responsible citizens.” That’s their story and they’re sticking to it.

Incredibly, a spokesperson for OnlyFans actually blamed the victims for their own exploitation, saying: “In the few examples where bad actors have misused our platform [OnlyFans] removed the content swiftly, banned the user and actively supported investigations and prosecutions.”

Meanwhile, OnlyFans claims it insists on “proof of identification and consent from all individuals featured in any explicit content uploaded to our platform, and we moderate all uploaded content.”

Sure they do. We’ve heard this kind of thing before. When Backpage, the huge online classified ad brothel of Village Voice Media, came under fire for allowing pimps to sex traffic underage girls using their site, anti-Scientology hate blogger Tony Ortega, then Village Voice editor, defended the site, writing, “Recently we’ve come under attack because a small number of those ads involve underage users who violate our terms of use.”

OnlyFans owners and executives seem to be fans of only money and perverted pornography—even fans of slavery, bestiality and rape—but there’s one thing of which they certainly are not fans: the truth.




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