Ongoing Relief Efforts

Lack of fresh running water and electricity. Impassable roads. Phones and internet signals down. Thirty dead, 80 percent of the buildings damaged or destroyed. Just days apart, Irma and Maria delivered a devastating one-two punch to the Caribbean island of Dominica and its 72,000 residents. A team of Scientology Volunteer Ministers and their partners CINAT, from Colombia, flew in from St. Maarten where they had responded to the disaster wrought by Irma on September 6. More reinforcements came from Bogotá.
When asked for the most needed supplies and services, Dominica’s Prime Minister issued a list and the VMs provided not only three containers of food, water, hygiene supplies, tools and generators, they rendered the vital services of logistics and distribution they have become known for at more than 100 disaster sites, and which they are continuing in Dominica.