The Florida Chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World (FDFW) daily carries out its aim to bring together concerned people in the community, from whatever walks of life, to educate and advocate against drug and alcohol abuse. “It is only by all of us working shoulder to shoulder that we will gather enough strength to eradicate this epidemic that is destroying the lives of so many of our citizens,” says FDFW Executive Director Stephanie Klimke.
The Foundation’s center in Clearwater presents seminars for local residents. Recent topics have included marijuana, heroin, opiates, cocaine, Ecstasy, alcohol and crystal meth. In addition, the center hosts a retired state trooper who delivers an informative seminar on drug-user identification of commonly abused drugs.
In one month, teachers, police officers, Civil Air Patrol, Police Athletic League (PAL), veterans and hundreds of businesses, shops, restaurants and community organizations distributed Truth About Drugs materials to more than 15,000 people in Pinellas County. To many of these partners of the program, the battle against drugs is a very personal matter. The story of one such partner who had a family member succumb to drug abuse and wind up with a jail sentence, is echoed by many of those who are now committed to preventing others from going down that path.
The Foundation for a Drug-Free World’s Truth About Drugs videos and booklets, along with educator materials, are available at no cost to anyone who wants to join the fight.