the Church of Scientology
since 1968
ALEX GIBNEY & HBOThe Prison of Propaganda

Garry Scarff: The Con Artist

Garry Scarff is an admitted perjurer who once lied on TV about having had family members killed in the Jonestown tragedy in 1978 (Scarff later admitted he made it all up) and who went on to participate in a hate group’s “deprogramming” activities. Wright credited Scarff with telling a story about being a Scientologist and a bank teller, who was told to comply with a robbery to pay off his debt, supposedly to the Church. Scarff never was a Scientologist and there never was such a robbery. The story is a complete fabrication. Like numerous Wright sources, Scarff has no credibility. Any documentary like Alex Gibney’s “Going Clear” that is based on a book filled with sources as unreliable as Garry Scarff can’t be trusted.


Garry Scarff: The Con Artist


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Because Alex Gibney in his propaganda film “Going Clear” covered up relevant details about his sources, the Church of Scientology  produced factual, documented information telling the real story behind each of these individuals and their role in advancing Gibney's bigoted agenda.