the Church of Scientology
since 1968
ALEX GIBNEY & HBOThe Prison of Propaganda

Mike Rinder: Asleep at the Switch

Alex Gibney and HBO anointed as the poster boy for their new film an admitted liar who was expelled from the Church, Mike Rinder. It’s accurate to say he dreams up new myths and lies given he’s usually asleep. Rip Van Rinder has perfected the art of nodding off and laziness. His former colleagues tell stories of his Rinder falling asleep anytime, anywhere. And no, it’s not because of any medical condition. He readily admits he doesn’t like to work. So when it comes to Mike Rinder and his lies, one must always go in with eyes wide open. Even if Mike Rinder can’t.


Mike Rinder: Asleep at the Switch


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Because Alex Gibney in his propaganda film “Going Clear” covered up relevant details about his sources, the Church of Scientology  produced factual, documented information telling the real story behind each of these individuals and their role in advancing Gibney's bigoted agenda.